Custom gay pride hat

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In the year 2000, security guards for our rival Los Angeles Dodgers kicked two women out of Dodger Stadium for kissing. Yet “Gay Day” would indeed become a thing, initially for a very wrong reason. Former Giants PR director Bob Rose writes the Giants “knew that many of their season ticket holders might feel uncomfortable if Until There’s A Cure Day was perceived as merely a ‘Gay Day.’ And back during that Candlestick Park era, even the innocuous red ribbon to promote HIV/AIDS awareness was kind of a controversial third rail. sports team to hold Until There’s A Cure Day.

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Your San Francisco Giants were trailblazing LGBTQ allies back in 1994 when they were the first major U.S. It’s believed that it will be the first major American sports game with both teams wearing LGBTQ+ Pride logos, when both the Dodgers and the Giants will sport Pride-ified logos on their hats and uniforms for their June 11 Pride Night game.

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