Gay men in suits video

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If we’re giving this video a rating on bi energy, I’d say it’s an 8/10. He’s also outfitted in an array of gorgeous sequined suits.

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In the clip, a frequently shirtless Styles is at the center of a writhing mass of sweaty bodies, and at several points he gets nuzzled by some sexy male extras - and nuzzles them right back. The video for Styles’ new single, has both bisexual lighting and Styles cozying up to half-naked hotties of different genders. But after checking out “Lights Up,” it’s clear she thought I’d take something else away from it It has pretty big bisexual energy. When I woke up to a text from my 16-year-old sister telling me I had to watch Harry Styles’ new music video as soon as possible, I thought she was simply doing her duty as a loyal stan.

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