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He navigates through treachery, politics, and injustice as a leader and a victim to bring the country independence. When the Philippines is helplessly handed over by the Spaniards to the Americans after 333 years of colonization, a hero in the persona of Heneral Luna rises. Genre: Psychological Thriller, Mystery, Drama The horror lies not on the plot but on the relatable and stereotypical characters and seemingly predictable environment of glamour. The showbiz industry is put in a thrilling spotlight as a famous actress who’s been thriving in the world of entertainment since childhood meets an accident while filming. When a medicine student dreaming to become a rockstar and a graphic artist full of dreams and spunk meet, a new narrative on the power of an intense connection and happy endings that come from epic love stories begin to unfold. Watch These 8 Filipino Movies Online for Free NOW 1.

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A Portrait Of The Artist As Filipino (1965)

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Watch These 8 Filipino Movies Online for Free NOW.

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