San antonio spurs rudy gay injury

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His shot chart tells the tale of a scorer who takes a large volume of a statistically “bad” shot: He has certainly had an odd NBA career up to this point, as not many players have had a 20-point-per-game season for three different organizations without ever becoming an All-Star. He thrives at an unappealing and outdated style of basketball: the mid-range jumper. San Antonio signed Gay this summer with the hope that he can give a jolt to their offense. Using Tim Duncan’s VCR, we can fast forward 20 years to the beginning of the Gay-infused Spurs era.

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Lonzo Ball wasn’t even born yet.Īnd the newest Spur, Rudy Gay, was a 10-year-old kid who had not yet played competitive basketball. The Oklahoma City Thunder were still the Seattle SuperSonics. The last time the San Antonio Spurs didn’t win 50 games in an NBA season-excluding lockout-shortened campaigns-came back in 1996-97.

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